Karte Stecher Titel Zeit Preis € Aktion


Roberts David Suez. 1839 420
Temple on Gebel Garabè


Roberts David Temple on Gebel Garabè 1839 280
Vue de Ras Mohammed prise de L’ouest. / Vue de Ras Mohammed prise de Cherm el Bir.


Engelmann Godefroy Vue de Ras Mohammed prise de L’ouest. / Vue de Ras Mohammed prise de Cherm el Bir. 1830 340
Une Manière de pecher en Nubie. / Une Manière de pecher de la Haute-Egypte.


Roissy Une Manière de pecher en Nubie. / Une Manière de pecher de la Haute-Egypte. 1820 390
Tombeaux de Sarbout el Cadem. The tombs of Sarbout el Cadem. (Presqu’isle de Sinai.)


Engelmann Godefroy Tombeaux de Sarbout el Cadem. The tombs of Sarbout el Cadem. (Presqu’isle de Sinai.) 1820 220
City of Rosetta.


Milton T. City of Rosetta. 1830 250
Kleiner Tempel von Ibsambul-( Abusimel)


Benoit Jean Babtiste Kleiner Tempel von Ibsambul-( Abusimel) 1840 280
Toilette d’une femme Nubienne et autres sujets.


Lacroix/ Rifaud J./ Jean-Jaques Toilette d’une femme Nubienne et autres sujets. 1830 260
Island of Philoe, looking over the Nile


Vaugondy, de Didier/ Gilles Robert Island of Philoe, looking over the Nile 1856 190
Memnon- Statuen bei Theben


Kunstanstalt Hildburghausen Memnon- Statuen bei Theben 1845 150
Approach to the fortress of Ibrim


Vaugondy, de Didier/ Gilles Robert Approach to the fortress of Ibrim 1856 190


Kunstanstalt Hildburghausen Philae 1845 120
Ruinen von Edfou in Egypten


Kunstanstalt Hildburghausen Ruinen von Edfou in Egypten 1845 120
Insel Phailae mit dem Isis Tempel/ Isle of Philae with the Isis- Temple


Hoelzel E. Insel Phailae mit dem Isis Tempel/ Isle of Philae with the Isis- Temple 1880 120
Tempel von Edfou


Hoelzel E. Tempel von Edfou 1880 120
Lybien chain of mountains, from the temle of Luxor


Vaugondy, de Didier/ Gilles Robert Lybien chain of mountains, from the temle of Luxor 1856 220
Bilder aus Aegypten


Anonymus Bilder aus Aegypten 1880 150
View of the Nile, Isle of Rhoda, and ferry of – Gheezeh


Vaugondy, de Didier/ Gilles Robert View of the Nile, Isle of Rhoda, and ferry of – Gheezeh 1856 120
The temples of Aboo-Simbel, from the Nile


Vaugondy, de Didier/ Gilles Robert The temples of Aboo-Simbel, from the Nile 1848 290
Ruines of Luxor from the South-West


Vaugondy, de Didier/ Gilles Robert Ruines of Luxor from the South-West 1846 250
Ruins of Luxor from the South- West


Vaugondy, de Didier/ Gilles Robert Ruins of Luxor from the South- West 1856 190
Tombeau de Sarbout El Cadem/ The tombs of Sarbout El Cadem ( Presqu´isle de Sinai )


Engelmann Godefroy Tombeau de Sarbout El Cadem/ The tombs of Sarbout El Cadem ( Presqu´isle de Sinai ) 1830 150
Vue du Somet du Sinai/ View of the Summet of mount Sinai


Engelmann Godefroy Vue du Somet du Sinai/ View of the Summet of mount Sinai 1830 150
View taken from the coast one league and a half east north-east of the isle of Graie/View taken from L Nakb six leagues sout of Mount Hor


Engelmann Godefroy View taken from the coast one league and a half east north-east of the isle of Graie/View taken from L Nakb six leagues sout of Mount Hor 1830 250