Vue de Milwankee, dans l’état du Wisconsin

  • Translation

Article ID AMU1426


Vue de Milwankee, dans l’état du Wisconsin


General view of the city of Milwaukee in the US state of Wisconsin.


ca. 1880



Historical Description

The first settler in Milwaukee was the French Canadian Alexis Laframboise in 1785, who opened a trading post there. The development of the city in the 19th century was shaped by the strong influx of German immigrants. Especially after the failed revolution of 1848, many disappointed and persecuted Germans were drawn to this part of the USA, which had only recently been opened for settlement.

Dimensions (cm)19,5 x 50 cm
ConditionPerfect condition
Coloringoriginal colored
TechniqueWood engraving


27.00 €

( A reproduction can be ordered individually on request. )