Image Artist Title Year Price € Action
Tabula I Farnesiana Posticus quae apsidi subiacet sinistra facis, ab Aula ingredietibus obuia, simulacris picturis ac vario, aurioque plasici operis..
Carraccius Tabula I Farnesiana Posticus quae apsidi subiacet sinistra facis, ab Aula ingredietibus obuia, simulacris picturis ac vario, aurioque plasici operis.. 1660 650
Raffael Santi d´Urbino
Volpato Raffael Santi d´Urbino 1775 3500
Raffael Santi d´Urbino
Volpato Raffael Santi d´Urbino 1775 3500
Raffael Santi d´Urbino
Volpato Raffael Santi d´Urbino 1775 3600
Raffael Santi d´Urbino
Volpato Raffael Santi d´Urbino 1775 3600
Raffael Santi d´Urbino
Volpato Raffael Santi d´Urbino 1775 3500
Encourage of the Artists.. To her grace Elisabeth Duchess of Buccleugh
Pergolesi Encourage of the Artists.. To her grace Elisabeth Duchess of Buccleugh 1792 560
no titel
Pergolesi no titel 1777 600
Tabula II simstrae faciei Farnesianae Posticus
Carraccius Tabula II simstrae faciei Farnesianae Posticus 1660 650
Raffael Santi d´Urbino
Volpato Raffael Santi d´Urbino 1775 3600
“Raffael Santi d´Urbino” Num. XI.
Volpato “Raffael Santi d´Urbino” Num. XI. 1775 3800
“Raffael Santi d´Urbino” Num. I.
Volpato “Raffael Santi d´Urbino” Num. I. 1775 3500
“Raffael Santi d´Urbino” Num. III.
Volpato “Raffael Santi d´Urbino” Num. III. 1775 3000
“Raffael Santi d´Urbino” Num. IX. / Descendiut de Monte Sinai, tenens duas Tabulas in manibus: Videbantg: Filij Israel cornutam faciem ejus. Exod..
Volpato “Raffael Santi d´Urbino” Num. IX. / Descendiut de Monte Sinai, tenens duas Tabulas in manibus: Videbantg: Filij Israel cornutam faciem ejus. Exod.. 1775 2800
Apparvit Isaac Dominus, et ait: ne descendas in Aegyptum, sed quiesce in terra, quam dixero tibi. Genes. Cap. XXVI / “Raffael Santi d´Urbino” Num. V.
Volpato Apparvit Isaac Dominus, et ait: ne descendas in Aegyptum, sed quiesce in terra, quam dixero tibi. Genes. Cap. XXVI / “Raffael Santi d´Urbino” Num. V. 1775 2800
“Raffael Santi d´Urbino” Num. XII.
Volpato “Raffael Santi d´Urbino” Num. XII. 1775 3000
“Raffael Santi d´Urbino” Num. VIII.
Volpato “Raffael Santi d´Urbino” Num. VIII. 1775 3000
Raffael Santi d´Urbino
Volpato Raffael Santi d´Urbino 1775 3500
LXXIX, LXXX, LXXXI Pergolesi Inuet. Scult. And Publishd according to act of Parliament the ist of March 1779.
Anonymus LXXIX, LXXX, LXXXI Pergolesi Inuet. Scult. And Publishd according to act of Parliament the ist of March 1779. 1779 350
CXLVIII, CL, Pergolesi Inuet. Scult. and Publishd according to act of Parliament the ist of July 1781
Anonymus CXLVIII, CL, Pergolesi Inuet. Scult. and Publishd according to act of Parliament the ist of July 1781 1781 400
XC – CXVII, Pergolesi Iunet. Scult. and Publishd according to act of Parliament the ist of August 31st 1780
Anonymus XC – CXVII, Pergolesi Iunet. Scult. and Publishd according to act of Parliament the ist of August 31st 1780 1780 400
XVI, XVII, XVIII,  Pergolesi Inuet. Scult. and Publishd according to act of Parliament the ist of September 1777
Anonymus XVI, XVII, XVIII, Pergolesi Inuet. Scult. and Publishd according to act of Parliament the ist of September 1777 1777 320
C, CI, CII, Pergolesi Inuet. Scult. and Publishd according to act of Parliament the ist of September 1777
Anonymus C, CI, CII, Pergolesi Inuet. Scult. and Publishd according to act of Parliament the ist of September 1777 1777 350