Plan du Dètroit de Madura depuis la Pointe Panka jusqu’à l’ Embouchure de la Rivière de Sourabaya

  • Translation

Article ID ASI1169


Plan du Dètroit de Madura depuis la Pointe Panka jusqu’à l’ Embouchure de la Rivière de Sourabaya


Detailed map of the Madura Strait. The eastern part of the island Java with the city of Gresik and the western part of Pulau Madura with the city Bangkalam. In the lower part of the map a view of the striat of Madura between Java and the Fort d´Orange.


ca. 1825


Tardieu (1746-1816)

Ambroise Tardieu ( 1788 - 1841 in Paris) was an eminent French cartographer and engraver, and is celebrated for his version of John Arrowsmith's 1806 map of the United States. Tardieu's son, Auguste Ambroise Tardieu (1818-1879), was also an artist and a famous forensic medical scholar, who supplied the illustrations for Dr. Pierre François Olive Rayer's three-volume Traité des maladies des reins (1839-41), a treatise on diseases of the kidneys.

Place of Publication Paris
Dimensions (cm)61,5 x 44
ConditionSome restoration at centerfold


54.00 €

( A reproduction can be ordered individually on request. )