Khartum, Hauptstadt des Sudan.

  • Translation

Article ID AF0646


Khartum, Hauptstadt des Sudan.


View of the capital Khartoum in Sudan, Africa. Below an index from A - J. From "Das Buch für Alle."; Publisher Hermann Schönlein


ca. 1880



Historical Description

In 1821, Khartoum was established 24 kilometres north of the ancient city of Soba, by Ibrahim Pasha, the son of Egypt's ruler, Muhammad Ali Pasha, who had just incorporated Sudan into his realm. Originally, Khartoum served as an outpost for the Egyptian Army, but the settlement quickly grew into a regional centre of trade. It also became a focal point for the slave trade. Later, it became the administrative center of Sudan and official capital.

Place of Publication Stuttgart
Dimensions (cm)32,5 x 52 cm
ConditionCenterfold and tears at lower margin perfetly restored
Coloringoriginal colored
TechniqueWood engraving


39.00 €

( A reproduction can be ordered individually on request. )