Indischer Tapir, Amerikanischer Tapir

  • Translation

Article ID DT0146


Indischer Tapir, Amerikanischer Tapir


Representation of a indian tapir and american tapir


ca. 1840


Brodtmann (1787-1862)

Karl Joseph/Ioseph Brodtmann was an accomplished Swiss artist and lithographer, as well as a printmaker, publisher and bookseller who worked in Zurich and Schaffhausen. Brodtmann's natural history lithographs include Heinrich Rudolf Schinz's works on reptiles and birds, published in the early 1830s. Brodtmann also produced natural history lithographs, as Naturhistorische Bilder Gallerie aus dem Thierreiche.

Historical Description

Although they remotely resemble pigs in appearance, tapirs have horses and rhinos as their closest relatives. Tapirs are animals characterized by a robust build and a short trunk, living mainly in dense tropical forests and feeding mainly on soft plant matter. Today they are found in South America (and mountain tapir), Central America (Baird's tapir) and Southeast Asia (tailed tapir).

Dimensions (cm)26 x 20 cm
ConditionPerfect condition
Coloringoriginal colored


22.50 €

( A reproduction can be ordered individually on request. )