Iles Marquises dont la prise de possession a été faite au nom de la France le 1er Mai 1842

  • Translation

Article ID OZ0312


Iles Marquises dont la prise de possession a été faite au nom de la France le 1er Mai 1842


Map shows the Marquesas islands in the Pacific ocean in French Polynesia, with inset map of the entire Pacific, the islands and a view of the island Nou-Ka-Hiva


ca. 1850



Historical Description

The Society Islands in French Polonesia. The archipelago is suspected to have been named by Captain James Cook during his first voyage in 1769, supposedly in honour of the Royal Society, the sponsor of the first British scientific survey of the islands. However, Cook himself stated in his journal that he called the islands Society as they lay contiguous to one another.

Place of Publication Paris
Dimensions (cm)30,5 x 41,5
ConditionVery good
Coloringoriginal colored
TechniqueSteel engraving


57.00 €

( A reproduction can be ordered individually on request. )