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Hermaphroditorum officia.
Article ID | AMU1335 |
Title | Hermaphroditorum officia. |
Description | Figure shows hermaphrodites (who are male and female in nature) doing their work in Florida. |
Year | ca. 1562 |
Artist | Bry, de - Le Moyne (1533-1588) |
Jacques le Moyne de Morgues (c. 1533-1588) was a French artist and member of Jean Ribault's expedition to the New World. His depictions of Native American life and culture, colonial life, and plants are of extraordinary historical significance. Until well into the 20th century, knowledge of Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues was extremely limited. Le Moyne accompanied René Laudonnière's French expedition in their unsuccessful attempt to colonize northern Florida. They arrived at the St. Johns River in 1564 and soon established Fort Caroline near present-day Jacksonville. He painted in the Calvinist style and is best known for his artistic depictions of the landscape, flora, fauna, and especially the inhabitants of the New World. His drawings of the cultures commonly referred to as Timucua are largely considered some of the most accessible data on the cultures of the southeastern coastal United States. During this expedition, he became known as a cartographer and illustrator, painting landscapes and reliefs of the land they traversed. Jean Ribault first explored the mouth of the St. Johns River in Florida in 1562 and erected a stone monument there before leading the group north and establishing an outpost on Parris Island, South Carolina, with about two dozen soldiers. He then sailed back to France for supplies and settlers. However, he was unable to reinforce the fort because civil war had broken out in France during his absence. An armistice in 1564 allowed Laudonniere to lead a new expedition that established Fort Caroline on St. Johns Bluff in present-day Jacksonville. Many of the Theodore DeBry engravings depict the French fort and the local Saturiwa tribe, the Timucua, who lived at the mouth of the St. Johns in the Fort Caroline area. Le Moyne also accompanied several expeditions inland from Fort Caroline and illustrated many of the scenes he observed. Laudonniere's expedition, while leading to the publication of the Le Moyne-deBry paper and an important map of Florida's coastal regions, was ultimately a disaster as initially good relations with the Indian tribes inhabiting the areas around the St. Johns settlement site deteriorated. Le Moyne's extremely important account of this transatlantic voyage, known today from a Latin edition published in Frankfurt in 1591 by Theodore de Bry under the title "Brevis narratio eorum quae in Florida Americai provincia Gallis acciderunt," clearly shows that it was the king who commissioned the artist to accompany the expedition led by Jean Ribault and Rene Goulaine de Laudonniere as official recorder and cartographer. Although only one original drawing by Le Moyne on an American subject is known today-the depiction of Athore "showing Laudonniere the marker column erected by Ribault," executed in watercolor and gouache on vellum, now in the New York Public Library-the "Brevis narratio," published by de Bry as the second volume of his major series of publications on voyages to the New World, contains forty-two engraved illustrations and maps purportedly made on site by Le Moyne. The text by de Bry describes and analyzes these images, and his book represents an important milestone in the literature of early voyages of discovery.----Theodorus de Bry (1528-1598) Frankfurt a.M. Around 1570, Theodorus de Bry, a Protestant, fled religious persecution south to Strasbourg, along the west bank of the Rhine. In 1577, he moved to Antwerp in the Duchy of Brabant, which was part of the Spanish Netherlands or Southern Netherlands and Low Countries of that time (16th Century), where he further developed and used his skills as a copper engraver. Between 1585 and 1588 he lived in London, where he met the geographer Richard Hakluyt and began to collect stories and illustrations of various European explorations, most notably from Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues. Depiction of Spanish atrocities in the New World, as recounted by Bartolome de las Casas in Narratio Regionum indicarum per Hispanos Quosdam devastatarum verissima. In 1588, Theodorus and his family moved permanently to Frankfurt-am-Main, where he became citizen and began to plan his first publications. The most famous one is known as Les Grands Voyages, i.e., The Great Travels, or The Discovery of America. He also published the largely identical India Orientalis-series, as well as many other illustrated works on a wide range of subjects. His books were published in Latin, and were also translated into German, English and French to reach a wider reading public. | |
Historical Description | Virginia received its name in honor of Queen Elizabeth I of England from Walter Raleigh during his expedition in 1584, when he It is known as the Sunshine State. The peninsula of the same name was discovered by the Spanish explorers during Easter and named after it: Easter also means Pascua Florida in Spanish. The east coast of Florida was discovered in 1513 by the Spaniard Juan Ponce de León. In 1521 Ponce de León - equipped and accompanied by a group of settlers - traveled again to Florida to found a colony there for Spain, which was destroyed by the indigenous population. In 1528 the conquistador Pánfilo de Narváez, who hoped to find gold in Florida, explored the west coast of the peninsula, but also failed due to the hostility of the locals. Narváez eventually suffered a shipwreck, but his officer Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca survived, returned to Spain and was able to report on the expedition there. Hernando de Soto was encouraged to try an invasion again in 1539. Like Narváez, De Soto landed on the west coast and embarked on an extensive expedition through the southeast of what is now the USA, but neither gold nor a suitable location for the founding of a colony was found, so that the Spaniards after De Soto's death Expedition tasks. In 1562, the Frenchman Jean Ribault, who was looking for a possible settlement for Huguenot emigrants, explored the mouth of the St. Johns River on the east coast of Florida. In 1586 San Agustín was attacked and plundered by the English privateer and later Vice Admiral Francis Drake. In the 17th century, English settlers in Virginia and the Carolinas continually tried to push the Spanish colony border further south. The French settlers on the lower reaches of the Mississippi River did the same. In 1702, the colonial governor of South Carolina, Colonel James Moore, had the town of San Agustín destroyed with the help of allied Muskogee Indians; however, he was unable to capture the Spanish fort. Two years later, Moore began burning Spanish missions in northern Florida and killing Indians who were on good terms with the Spaniards. In western Florida, the French took over the Spanish settlement in Pensacola, which had been in existence again since 1696, in 1719. After the Seven Years' War, Spain ceded Florida to Great Britain, which in turn gave the Spanish control of Havana. The indigenous people of Florida died thousands after the arrival of the first Spaniards because they were not immune to the diseases they introduced. Whole nations have been wiped out, and it is believed that after the British takeover of Florida, the Spaniards brought the few Indians who had survived their Catholic missions to Cuba to safety. In the course of the 18th century, however, the peninsula was again populated by Indians when parts of the Muskogee that had split between themselves began to flow in from the north. As a result of the Yamasee War, many Yuchi and Yamasee refugees also came to Florida. Despite their heterogeneous roots, these Indians were uniformly referred to as "Seminoles". |
Place of Publication | Frankfurt on Main |
Dimensions (cm) | 24,5 x 21,5 cm |
Condition | Margins mounted |
Coloring | original colored |
Technique | Copper print |
51.00 €
( A reproduction can be ordered individually on request. )