Karte Stecher Titel Zeit Preis € Aktion
Syria/Cypern/Palestaina/Mesopotamia/Babilonia/Zwen Arabia/mit Bergen/Wesseren und Stetten


Münster Sebastian Syria/Cypern/Palestaina/Mesopotamia/Babilonia/Zwen Arabia/mit Bergen/Wesseren und Stetten 1550 390
Von den Ländern Asie.


Münster Sebastian Von den Ländern Asie. 1550 250
Universus Terrarum orbis. 296 / Questa Tauola, E l‘ Antica Siria ch’Cra destinta in dodici Tribu


Valegio Francesco Universus Terrarum orbis. 296 / Questa Tauola, E l‘ Antica Siria ch’Cra destinta in dodici Tribu 1580 950
A new map shewing all the several countries, cities, towns, and other places mentioned in the new testament


Wells Edward A new map shewing all the several countries, cities, towns, and other places mentioned in the new testament 1720 380
Das fünfft buch / Cyprus


Münster Sebastian Das fünfft buch / Cyprus 1550 280
Tabula Asiae IIII.


Ruscelli Girolamo Tabula Asiae IIII. 1564 550